Find Your True North: A Soul Finding Art Journal

Find Your True North, a therapeutic art journal full of provocative template images designed to elicit emotions, words, thoughts, memories, soul-searching, and soul finding.

Sample Artwork:

In Kindle Direct Publishing, images are printed on stock paper which may limit the art medium which can be used. Colored pencils, colored pens, gel pens, and crayons will work best. Some markers may work. Collage is also a great creative option. Other mediums will likely bleed through the page. Use a piece of plastic between pages to prevent bleed through from getting on following pages.

Each page of this art journal, Find Your True North, can be completed in a variety of different ways. If the individual is more of a writer images can simply provoke the narrative content that needs to fill the page. For those who are doodlers, Zen Tangle and a variety of other doodling techniques can be used to fill the page with words inserted here and there if desired. For those who love color: collage, colored pens, colored pencils and markers can be used to complete and embellish the images and explore or express the deep meaning, thoughts, and emotions provoked by the images. Single words and narratives can always be added but they are not necessary images alone can provide the exploration, soul finding, expression, and healing that the individual desires.

There are 2 copies of each image. I encourage you to do 2 versions of every image. Complete the fist version with a more painful spin and the second version with a hopeful spin. Use the front blank pages to create your own index naming your entries as you see fit, or use them to free form writing. This Journal, a bit like an adult coloring book, takes the art journaling process to much deeper level. As a therapist who uses art in counseling, I find provocative images elicited in my mind through the stories told by the people sitting on my couch every day. All of the images in this Journal were inspired as I sat and listened to the stories told and lived by clients as well as my own lived experiences. The individual using the Journal could find a single image to provoke memories of painful experiences or thoughts while another may find inspiration for empowerment and healing and reclaiming in the same image. One image could render unlimited different experiences and end results. Throughout the Journal on various pages there are word prompts as well as images. Some pages have images alone. A creative option for the journal user is to add an interactive component such as a flap or door to lift or open allowing the individual to have both visible and hidden content on the page. Again, there are 2 copies of every image to allow for a painful and a hopeful interpretation of each image.

Available directly from Salley at Enrichment for $10. In-person pick up only.